or 870 € yearly
Subscription Plans
Starter Kit
€ 87 EUR
- 25 Monthly Active Users
- 5GB File Storage
- 50 MB Database
- Your domain or third level subdomain
- SSL Certificate
€ 240 EUR
or 2.400 € yearly
- 100 Monthly Active Users
- 10 GB File Storage
- 100 MB Database
- Your domain or third level subdomain
- SSL Certificate
€ 480 EUR
or 4.800 € yearly
- 300 Monthly Active Users
- 25GB File Storage
- 250 MB Database
- Your domain or third level subdomain
- SSL Certificate
€ 680 EUR
or 6.800 € yearly
- 500 Monthly Active Users
- 50 GB File Storage
- 500 MB Database
- Your domain or third level subdomain
- SSL Certificate
Technical Highlights
Fly IN Service
Welcome on board
Already hosting your Forma installation on your servers?
Move your existing Forma installation to our dedicated cloud hosting server. You’ll keep all of your users, data and assets, and profit of endless resources, automatic upgrades, fixes and technical support right from the creators of your favourite LMS.
Smart Pricing
A flexible pricing system that fits your effective training activities, scales with your growth, adapts to peaks and training periods
Adjust to your size
First, we let you adjust your plan’s active users and storage limits exactly to your needs, for minimum amounts of 25 users/month.
Upgrade when needed
Then, in case of expected activity peaks you will be able to add more users or upgrade to an higher plan, even just for some months, and then revert back
Soft Thresholds
Finally, in case you exceed your threshold, we will bill extra users only over an AVERAGE traffic monitoring, and not just monthly.
Need More?
Discover our Enterprise solutions.
We have the perfect platform for your growth….

Frequently Asked Questions
What is an "ACTIVE USER"?
An active user is a unique user that enters a course in any given month. If the user just logs in to download the certificate but doesn’t enter a course, that user is not counted against the monthly threshold.
What happens if I exceed my plan’s threshold?
You will be notified if your platform exceeds your monthly active users threshold, then exceeding users will be billed quarterly. If your average monthly traffic over the previous 3 months will be higher than the plan threshold, all the users will be billed. If it will be lower, exceeding users won’t be billed.
Users will always be able to login and take courses.
What's the cost for extra users?
What’s the difference between Forma Cloud and Forma LMS?
What are file and data storage?
If you platform exceedes your file and data storage limits we will get in touch for a plan upgrade. Your platform will keep working with no limitation in any case.
Can I customize plan thresholds?
Yes, you can increase any plan by steps of 25 users, to fit your exact training volumes. I.E., you could have a custom professional plan for 150 monthly active users, or a “Company” for 375 active users, and so on.
Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan?
Yes, in case of unexpected traffic peaks you can upgrade your plan even for a few months and then revert back to your original plan.
Can I add custom functionalities?
Can I move my Forma installation to Forma Cloud (FLY IN)?
What happens if I quit my cloud plan?
We won’t provide Forma Lms core files. Backups will be mantained for 60 days.